Oversize & Overweight
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State Oversize & Overweight / Permit Information
Office closure & holiday information, order oversize/overweight
permits online, annual permit application, escrow application,
permit fee schedule, insurance requirements, oversize/overweight
rules & regulations, state law for oversize/overweight, ALDOT
route and bridge design load map, bridge formula weights, detour
information that may effect current permit or routing. (ALDOT
Oversized & Overweight Permit Office)
News & alerts, commercial vehicle size, weight, & permit
regulations, measurement standards regulations. (Alaska
Division of Measurement Standards & Commercial Vehicle
Weight restrictions notifications by email/text messages, active
public notices, weight restriction bulletin, weight restrictions for
Mat-Su Borough and Municipality of Anchorage, recorded
announcements phone numbers (including weight restrictions for
Anchorage, Juneau, Valdez). (Alaska Division of Measurement
Standards & Commercial Vehicle Enforcement)
Weight restrictions by email/text, permit fees, permits manual,
online permits, contacts, permit forms (including convoy, request
for exception, Fairbanks North Winter, hours of darkness,
holiday restriction, highway speed, pilot/escort vehicle, railroad,
cancellation/refund and change policy, credit application,
extended period, oversize permit, overweight or oversize &
overweight permit), resources (including bridge formula chart,
weight restrictions, extended light bar requirements, general info
sheet, online permitting, Anchorage truck info, permit
application, permit fees, permits manual, truck scales,
regulations, sunrise/sunset chart generator, tire loading policy).
(Alaska Division of Measurement Standards & Commercial
Vehicle Enforcement).
Permit types (single trip, envelope permits, registration or use
fuel permits, oversize/overweight permits, class C permits
approval), commercial permit inquiries. See right menu for
routing contacts (road restriction report) and FAQs. (AZDOT
Motor Vehicle Division)
International registration plan (IRP), International fuel tax
agreement (IFTA), interstate registration, commercial permits,
port and commercial permit locations, officer-assisted
overdimensional vehicle escort payments, check your route (to
find restrictions), road restrictions report, bridge weight
restrictions, mobile enforcement units, state milepost system
maps, new entrant program. (ADOT, Motor Carrier Services)
Oversize and overweight permits (by internet, phone, in person).
See top menu for laws and regulations and links. (AHTD
Arkansas trucking portal (Arkansas Dept of Finance &
Highway weight restrictions map in PDF format (Arkansas State
Highway and Transportation Dept)
Lane closures and width restrictions (Arkansas State Highway
and Transportation Dept)
Commercial vehicle operations (permits/licensing/registration,
identification, special cargo/environment, safety, miscellaneous),
oversize/overweight permits, legal truck size & weight (truck
maps, length, overhang, width, height & low clearances, weight),
legal truck size & weight --exemptions, truck routes (truck maps,
truck stops, rest areas, truck size & routes, terminal access
application procedures, truck restriction procedures, special route
restrictions, getting to Eureka, exit numbers, truck only lanes),
weigh stations enforcement (locations, who must stop, weigh
station bypass/prepass), weigh-in-motion, contacts, other.
(Caltrans Office of Truck Services)
Truck network map, state & local truck route maps, special
restrictions route listing (Caltrans Office of Truck Services)
Commercial vehicle permits (office hours), forms & information,
restrictions & maps (extra legal vehicle loads, bridge weight limit
map, double dolly weight chart, pilot escort & overweight
restriction map, height restriction map, hazmat map), on-line
permits, renew annual permits, permit addendum (permanent
restrictions, curfews), holiday restrictions & important notices,
chain up tips, E-470 restrictions, pilot escorts, FAQs, related
links. (CDOT Commercial Vehicle Permits Office)
Port of entry information - see left menu for vehicles required to
clear port of entry (weight restrictions), automation vehicle
identification, electronic clearance (PrePass), port locations, size
& weight information (weight, length, dimension limits),
permits, FAQs. (Department of Revenue, Division of Motor
Oversize/overweight, divisible load transportation permit (permit
application, instructions, permit limits, restrictions, policy
statement, fee charts, route survey application, regulations,
statutes, holiday restrictions), non-divisible load permit
(instructions, non-posted structures for weight self-propelled
truck cranes, account code application, instructions, fee charts,
route survey application, regulations, statute, general
information, holiday restrictions). (ConnDOT Bureau of
Engineering & Highway Operations)
Hauling permit information, online help, FAQ, user guide, policy
manual, news, common errors, holiday restrictions, permanent
route restrictions, temporary route restrictions, contact.
(DelDOT Hauling Permit Office)
Permits and tags for oversize and overweight vehicles (web-
enabled permitting). (DDOT Public Space Management)
Overdimensional road use permits including instructions, blanket
permit, trip permit application, weight restriction charts,
overweight GIS permit maps, safety regulations and permit fees
for overweight and overdimensional vehicles, state permit office
holiday movement restrictions (Florida DOT Office of
Certified escort vehicle program, permit information (oversize
permit information, applying for an oversize permit, automated
routing and permitting system, complying with laws and
regulations, commercial vehicle operation, ordering online
permits, oversize truck route map, posted bridges list, posted
bridges map, rule), permit applications (single trip, superload
single trip, annual, seasonal, house move permit), contact.
(GDOT Oversize Permit Unit)
FAQs - what is needed to transport or operate oversize and
overweight vehicles on state highways (where to apply,
applicability, permit requirements, review procedure). (DOT
Highways Division)
Permits - overlegal (permit procedures, permit conditions
manual, legal width/height/length chart, western regional
overweight/oversize single trip, bridge/weight tables, off-track
calculator, maps), 129,000 lb pilot project (trip log), temporary
(temporary registration, temporary fuel permit, temporary
increased registered weight). See left menu for hazardous
materials, vehicle registrations, taxes, CDLs,
rules/regulations/manuals, safety, ports of entry. (Idaho Permits
& Licensing)
Truckers information - truck permit route maps, designated route
maps, frequently asked questions on oversize and overweight,
grain application permit, holiday restrictions, legal weight
structures on marked routes, local designated truck routes, legal
weight structures on unmarked state maintained routes,
oversize/overweight permit application, forms, permanent
restriction list, road closures, state designated truck routes, state
line bridges, temporary restriction list, toll road structures, ton
load limit structures, vertical clearances for marked routes &
unmarked routes, weigh station locations. (IDOT)
Oversize/overweight - general information (vehicle permitting
handbook, internet permitting system manual, active permit
services, forms and applications, FAQs, important notices,
vehicle general provisions, vehicle permit order information,
special weight route information, crated items, sealed ocean
container permit), maps and road conditions (federal bridge
calculator, toll road map, I-465 and I-469 direction of travel,
posted bridge map, state maps, road conditions, detours and
restrictions, weather), additional resources. (Indiana Motor
Carrier Services)
Motor carrier services - hours and holiday schedule, IFTA/IRP
online processing (application, reference guide, FAQs), Unified
Carrier Registration (fees approved, FAQs), moving & storage Q
& A, annual pavement restrictions map and listing, all systems
permit county & city route maps, bridge embargo listing & map,
electronic excise tax returns, instruction manuals & publications,
truck information guide, new carrier checklist, vertical clearance
updates and logs, vertical clearance maps, forms. (IowaDOT,
Office of Motor Carrier Services)
Permits applications and information - fees, fuel and registration,
annual permits, KTA access, hay bales, large structures, cotton,
ocean going sealed containers, OSR certification, escort
certification, special vehicle combination, standard permits,
superloads, railroad crossings. (KSDOT, Central Permits)
Overweight/overdimensional section - on right menu refer to
ordering ow/od permits online, permits online, permits and
specifications, SAFER, maps, regulations updates, trip permit,
annual permits, truck weight list, FMCSA, FAQ's, office hours,
contacts. See left menu for what is needed, available online
services, commercial vehicle credentials, tax forms, forms &
applications, tax & financial processing branch, leasing/U-Drive-
It, IRP apportioned registration, other. (Kentucky Transportation
Cabinet, Division of Motor Carriers)
Truck weight maps (Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Planning)
Truck permits - news, office hours/numbers, violation ticket
payment form. See left menu for rules and regulations, trouble
board (permits electronic routing bridge analysis), truck permits
(general info, permits online, FAQ, memos), printable downloads
& submitting applications. (DOTD, Permits)
Motor carrier services - online services (oversize/overweight
permits, IRP, UCR, IFTA), posted roads, motor carrier manual,
contacts, size & weight limits, IRP, overlimit permits, Canadian
weight limit permits, motor carrier review board, freight
transportation MDOT, operating authority, UCR, intrastate
USDOT number, petroleum-waste oil-solid waste carriers,
commercial vehicle safety inspection, fuel tax licensing &
reporting, 53 foot trailer permits, federal heavy vehicle use tax,
FAQs on farm vehicles, commercial vehicle laws & regulations.
(Maine BMV)
Truck weigh & inspections stations - gross weight, width, height,
length, permits. (SHA, Commercial Vehicle Operations)
Hauling permits - holiday restrictions, applications, bonds, Title
11 regulations, escort waiting areas, frequently requested
numbers, hauling permit general conditions, mapping, hauling
permit manual, state police contacts, state vehicle law, motor
carrier handbook, mailing address for hauling permits, online
permitting, permit fees, provisions for toll facilities
(bridge/tunnel size/weight limits), route restrictions for oversize
& overweight vehicles, traveler info (lane closures, detours,
traffic cameras), truck overdimensional permit limitations (escort
requirements, escort vehicle signing & lighting, permit
provisions, travel times), weather road closures, weight/height
and under clearance restrictions. (SHA, Hauling Permit Unit)
Truck section - online truck permit system, permits overview,
legal limits, permit limits. See right menu for routes (highways
& exits, toll roads, rest areas, directions), regulations
(restrictions, federal guidelines, hazardous cargo, inspection
information), other (forms). (MassDOT, Highway Division)
Commercial vehicle transport (oversize or overweight) permits -
contacts, FAQ's, forms, truckers services web page (map with
construction, lane closures, cameras, toll bridges, tunnels,
movable bridges, bridge weight class, bridge clearance, speed,
incidents). (MDOT)
Truck operators map (seasonal routes, overhead clearance, etc.),
clearances, table of bridges with special load limits. (MDOT)
Oversize/overweight permits - trucking in Minnesota brochure,
special notices. See left menu for accounts, allowable permit
weights, permits & fees, construction projects, regulations fact
sheet, maps (approved routes, width of roadway and bridge
deficiency maps), MN twin trailer network, county permit
offices, online permit system requirements, overweight fee
charge, rules/regulations, seasonal load limits, OS/OW MN
trucking, other. (Mn/DOT, Office of Freight & Commercial
Vehicle Operations)
Seasonal load limits. (Md/DOT Materials and Road Research)
Permits & registration information - commercial vehicle
regulations, permit information (contacts, definitions, permit
regulations, safety requirements, over-dimensional permits,
harvest permits), motor carrier information (unified carrier
registration, instructions, FAQs, general freight, household goods
and passenger carriers, forms). (MDOT, Office of Enforcement)
Motor carrier services - forms (OSOW permit application and
instructions, single trip, blanket permit application, superload
application and instructions, house moving application, permit
revision form, escrow deposit form, oversize/overweight permit
regulations book), MoDOT carrier Express guides, maps (vertical
clearance chart, vehicle route map, other), regulations handbook
(OSOW permit regulations book), FAQs (holiday restrictions).
(MoDOT, Motor Carrier Services).
Permitting - permits, forms, fees, truckers handbook. (MDT,
Motor Carrier Services)
Automated truck permit system - truck permit providers, vehicle
legal sizes & weights, federal bridge formula, rules &
regulations, truck information guide, country road permit
information, before you start, speed limits maps & fines, rest
areas, 511 road conditions, yearly holiday schedule, FAQs. Also
includes links to hazardous materials regulations, Motor Carriers
Safety Assistance Program, 72 hour temporary prorate & fuel
permit stations, scale locations, CDLs, State Patrol Carrier
Enforcement, intrastate carrier DOT information and forms.
(Nebraska Department of Roads, Truck Permit System)
Motor carrier permits - reducible oversize/overweight permits
(registration and fuel tax temporary permits, longer combination
vehicles), non-reducible overdimensional permits (commercial
motor vehicle handbook, permit conditions and restrictions,
instructions, wide and long vehicle restricted/prohibited routes
list and map, notifications), amber light permits (application for
flashing or blanket amber light permits), hazardous materials
permits (single trip, annual). See right menu for motor carrier
page, road/weather, CMV handbook, current closures and
incidents, DMV non-commercial movement permits. (Nevada
Department of Motor Vehicles, Motor Carrier)
Permit conditions and restriction - statutes and regulations
(traffic laws for size, weight, & load), changes to NRS or NAC,
pilot car information, hazardous material and radioactive material
information, current letters of instruction (general, tridem axles,
width & length prohibitions, spring thaw prohibitions, super
loads, weight restrictions). See top menu for trucker services and
information, over-dimensional vehicle permits, commercial
vehicle handbook, traction device requirements, contacts and
links, road conditions, e-mail bulletins. (NevadaDOT)
Over-dimensional vehicle (ODV) permits - Requirements for
oversize/overweight permits, permit information (ODV permits
office, annual permits, single trip, special purpose or super load
ODV permits, holiday restrictions, pilot car requirements for
ODVs, western regional permits for ODVs, calculating permit
weight limits, hazardous material or amber light permits, permit
conditions and restrictions, office holidays, ODV permit fees,
ODV permits letter of instruction). See top menu for trucker
services and information, permit conditions and restrictions,
commercial vehicle handbook, traction device requirements,
contacts and links, road conditions, e-mail bulletins.
Oversize/overweight permitting (announcements and notices,
new load/axle weight criteria, NHDOT bridge design webpage,
holiday restrictions), NETC multi-state permit routes map &
guidelines, regulations & instructions governing oversize &
overweight vehicle permits. (New Hampshire DOT)
Traffic regulations - weight limits (Route 29, Route 52, Route
173, Route 179, South Side Frontage Road). See left menu for
overview of traffic regulations, no passing zones, turns, parking
and stopping, lane usage, other regulations-restrictions, rest
areas. (New Jersey DOT)
Size and weight enforcement and forms. (New Mexico Motor
Transportation Police)
Truck restrictions - posted bridges, legal loads only bridges, blue
loading bridges, green loading bridges, vertical clearances,
loading table, construction width restrictions, routing maps for
cottonseed modules (bridge location and capacity tables, vehicle
requirements, Chaves county, Curry county, Dona Ana county,
Eddy county, Luna county, Quay county, Roosevelt county,
Sierra county), oversize permit applications (single trip, multiple
trip). (NMDOT, Oversize/Overweight Permits Office)
Legal weights and dimensions (legal dimensions, weights and
gross weights, federal bridge weight calculator, qualifying and
access highways manual), divisible load overweight permit
(renewing, new & existing customers, making changes, forms,
types, fees, applying, anticipated gross permit weights for Type 1
& 1A, items to consider, infrastructure friendly vehicle
requirements, permit account info), special hauling permit non-
divisible load (new customers, applying, paying, laws-rules-
regulations-policies-notices, forms, permit account information),
what's new, general (workers comp requirements, unified carrier
registration, truck & motor carrier info, registering with DMV
and IRP, DMV vehicle registration-CDL & escorting, interstate
registrations). See left menu for FAQs, USDOT number guide,
permitting news, restrictions, special hauling permits, divisible
load overweight permits, compliance & regulations, publications,
links, pre-fund account, contacts. (New York State DOT,
Oversize/overweight permits - contacts. See left menu for
submitting an application, secondary roads data lookup (search
by county, road number, name), STAA map (includes truck
network map, truck restrictions, other), posted bridges, posted
roads (search by route), county map images. (NCDOT,
Oversize/Overweight Permits Unit)
E-Permits - temporary registrations, permits (oversize &
overweight, trip, fuel, interstate, self-issue interstate, custom
combine-nonresident, custom combine-resident, harvest 10%
permit, wintertime 10% permit, harvest/winter combination 10%
permit, longer combination vehicle, seasonal). See left menu for
motor carrier operations (documents, truck routing maps,
USDOT number, IFTA, UCR, IRP), motor carrier FAQs (driver,
hazmat, vehicle), motor carrier additional permit information
(weight limitations chart & map, extension to weight limitations
chart, length limitations map, seasonal permit policy, reciprocity
agreements, online permits), motor carrier application forms,
safety & education, links. (ND Highway Patrol, Permits
Load restrictions information - travel information map,
restrictions (load restrictions chart, why there are spring load
restrictions), motor carrier (purchase truck permits, weigh
inspection stations), commercial vehicles (I-94 travel info), load
restrictions email updates, contacts, truck routing maps (maps for
legal limitations, maps for permitted non-reducible vehicle/load
movements). (NDDOT)
Hauling permits - request permit, RR crossings, forms &
attachments, permit information (types, fees, travel hour
restrictions), computer instruction, reporting requirements,
international sealed container permits, permit rules, insurance
requirement, regulations & policies, holiday restrictions, FAQs,
listing (contacts, facilities, weight stations, mileposts), other.
(ODOT, Special Hauling Permits Section)
Motor carrier requirements - programs, applications, agencies
regulating motor carriers, motor carrier reference info, safety
manuals/forms, FMSA online registration and compliance
assistant, unified carrier registration, annual overweight and
overaxle permits, trip permits, fuel permits, temporary permits,
motor carrier insurance, harvest permits. (Oklahoma
Corporation Commission, Transportation Division)
Over-Dimension - permit service & agents, entry policy, weight
tables, online truck weight analysis, super loads, road use
assessment fees, route maps, pilot car info & requirements, rules
& regulations, permit and country attachments, holiday
restrictions, road and bridge restrictions, overwidth move
restrictions, annual high load permit, mobility operations manual,
training & assistance, western regional permits, transportation
permit application, route request and permit application,
continuous operation variance permits. See left menu for
registration, forms & tables, trucking online, safety, over-
dimension, field services, green light, trusted carriers, laws &
rules, audits, motor carrier education, extra trucking info, news.
(ODOT, Motor Carrier Division)
Bridge allowance, height & weight restrictions, hauling permits,
permit contacts, APRAS login & status, The Pennsylvania Code,
Title 67 Transportation. (Pennsylvania DOT, Central Permit
FAQs (posted bridges, oversized load permit). (RIDOT)
Oversize/overweight permits - special OSOW restriction waiver
request, bulk agricultural products, containerized cargo 100,000
lbs permit application, holiday travel restrictions, permission
update request, account set-up form, applications (straight truck,
single trip, multi-trip, wide load, house moving), size & weight
guidelines, amendment form, road conditions, bridge load
restrictions, OSOW permit fee structure, FHWA vehicle size &
weight regulations & bridge formula, SC truck network map,
OSOW laws. (SCDOT Oversize/Overweight Permits)
Size & weight - vehicle size regulations (height, width, length,
overhang), vehicle weight regulations (axle group limitations,
tire limitations). See left menu for agriculture, automated
permitting, clearance & route restrictions, CDL, commercial
license plates, custom harvesting, electronic screening, IFTA,
IRP, laws & rules, motor carrier training, safety regulations,
traveler information, UCR, useful links. (SD Trucking
Overweight/overdimensional - rules, vertical clearances,
overweight & overdimensional movements, obtaining a permit,
contacts. (TDOT Overweight & Overdimensional Permits
Oversize/overweight load permits - central permit system,
contacts, temporary vehicle registration, permit surety bonds,
single trip permits, specialty permits, enforcement. See left
menu for motor carrier registration, interstate motor carriers,
payment information, file/search motor carrier complaints,
databases, notices & rules, open records requests, roadways (load
restricted bridge map, structures with low vertical clearance, load
zones roads, permit restrictions, road conditions, NRHM
routing), safety records, trucking tax center, links, tow
trucks/vehicle storage, FAQs, forms, publications. (TxDOT,
Oversize & Overweight Load Permits)
Load zoning and load restricted bridges. (TxDOT)
Highway conditins upcoming - Search by road, county, district.
Results include condition, direction, time, description. (TxDOT)
Forms, permits, applications - online permitting system,
IFTA/IRP application, UCR, obtaining a USDOT number, bridge
tables. (UDOT, Motor Carrier Services)
Commercial trucking - FAQs, forms & applications, fuel tax &
refunds, IFTA, IRP, licenses, online IRP/IFTA permits, oversize
(AOT mapping, crane route listing, highways & bridge weight
limtis), permitting rules (excess length permit application, excess
weight/dimension permit application, change in insurance filing
requirements), publications & manuals (CDL manual, IRP/IFTA
manual, motor carrier safety regulations, overweight &
overdimension permit rules, other), routing & mapping, training
& programs. (Vermont DMV, Commercial Trucking)
Size & weight enforcement - weigh stations, coal hauling permit
calibration, infrared safety screening, overweight citations,
size/weight/equipment manual, more motor carrier service center
information (weigh station map, size & weight enforcement
overview (DMV, Motor Carrier Services)
Special motor vehicle permit type - trip permits, fuel permits,
single trailer permits, double trailer permit, non-divisible,
manufactured home permits, class B and C tow truck permit,
empty apple bins & hay bales, log tolerance permits, fixed load 3
or 4 axle, collection/recycle, temporary additional tonnage, farm
implements annual, oversize/overweight loads. See left menu for
commercial vehicle main page, online permitting, superload
requirements, self-issue permits, legal weight, I-5 corridor travel
information, all permit types, oversize & overweight restrictions,
maps, commercial vehicle information systems and networks,
Hauling permits - travel restrictions, permits online, weight &
clearance restrictions, permit information, FAQs, printable
applications. (WVDOT, Hauling Permits)
Oversize-overweight permits - permits (single trip, multiple trip),
bridge heights less than legal on WI highways, bridge
information for routing, bridges with weight-postings on WI
highways, determining if a permit is required, detour and
construction, forms/applications, hours of operation for permitted
vehicles, lighting/flagging/signage requirements, maps, permit
requirements, permit services, seasonal weight restrictions and
exemptions, Trans 252, escort vehicles, state patrol locations,
vehicle size/weight/load statute. See right menu for motor carrier
credentials, commercial driver's manual, trucker's guide, and
permit links for Minnesota. (Wisconsin DOT, Motor Carrier
Weight restrictions including "frozen road declaration" (map -
seasonal load limits boundaries, end of frozen road declaration,
frozen road maximum axle weight limitations), "class II roads"
(class II roadway restrictions, map, class II roadway list), and
"springtime posted roads" (map, springtime posted roads list).
(DOT, Weight Restriction Program)
Overweight load office - contact, width restriction summary,
choose a route, size and weight limit statute, chain laws.
Click on a state below to access information on oversize and
overweight restrictions and/or permits. See also truck maps & routes
by state, road conditions and traffic, and weigh stations by state.
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