Federal Holidays
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In the U.S., there are 10 federal holidays. Public institutions, such as
banks and post offices, are closed on the day the holiday is observed.
New Year’s Day
Independence Day
Veterans Day
Christmas Day
January 1
July 4
November 11
December 25
Holidays Set by Date*
*Most Federal employees work Monday through Friday. For these
employees, when a holiday falls on Sunday, the holiday is usually
observed on Monday. If the holiday falls on Saturday, the holiday is
typically observed on Friday.
Martin Luther King’s Birthday
Washington’s Birthday
Memorial Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Third Monday in January
Third Monday in February
Last Monday in May
First Monday in September
Second Monday In October
Fourth Thursday in November
Holidays Set by Day of Week and Month
For dates of Federal Holidays, select a year (Office of Personnel Mgt).
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For dates of Federal Holidays, select a year (Office of Personnel Mgt).
American holidays including upcoming holidays, Federal holidays,
celebrations & observances, ethnic & religious holidays (USA.gov).