Road & Traffic Conditions by State
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State Road Conditions & Traffic
Alabama - Road advisories - Road advisories by division or region. (ALDOT Media and
Community Relations)
Alabama - Road conditions - Search by route, area, county, division or view a statewide list with
route, closures, descriptions. (ALDOT Intelligent Transportation System)
Alabama - Highway construction bulletin - Text of route, county, description, estimated
completion. (ALDOT Transportation Planning Bureau)
Alabama - Traffic information - Map with cameras, projects, rest areas, welcome centers, road
congestion and conditions. (ALDOT Intelligent Transportation System)
Alabama - Mobile user - Mobile traffic - View congestion, cameras, major projects, rest areas,
road conditions. (ALDOT Intelligent Transportation System)
Alabama- Hurricane info - Alert level, emergency numbers and road closures, evacuation routes,
weather radio stations, more. (ALDOT Media & Community Relations)
Alabama - Detour information (page bottom) detours that may affect current permit or routing.
(ALDOT Oversized & Overweight Permit Office)
Alaska - 511 map - Weather cameras, watches, planned events, construction, alerts, driving
conditions, mountain passes, weight restrictions, route summary. (DOT & PF)
Alaska - Mobile 511 traveler info - Alerts, driving conditions, weather watches, events, travel not
advised, weight restrictions. (DOT & PF)
Alaska - Current hazards - Map and text of watches, warnings, advisories. Click a location for
details. (NWS Alaska Region headquarters)
Alaska - Alaska weather - Select a camera or options for forecasts, satellite and radar imagery,
more. (DOT & PF Road Weather Information Systems)
Alaska - Road weather area and corridor maps - Click an area or corridor to view weather,
cameras, temperature. (DOT & PF Road Weather Information Systems)
Alaska - Traveler info - Route numbers, construction, emergency services, mileage chart, port of
entry, 511 info, road conditions, road weather, commercial. (DOT & PF Traveler)
Arkansas - Road conditions - Lane closures, weather conditions, weather map, road closings.
(AHTD Road Conditions)
Arizona - 511 - Crash incidents, delay, roadwork, closure, info/activity, weather, border waits,
mobile access. (ADOT Traffic Operations System)
Arizona - Traffic alerts by route for statewide projects. (ADOT)
California - Highway conditions, restrictions, closures, mountain highways, sensors, traffic
videos, rest areas. Mobile user access. (Caltrans Division of Traffic Operations)
California - Mobile user - Highway conditions - Enter highway number for text of restrictions
and closures. (Caltrans Division of Traffic Operations)
California - Winter highway conditions - Type a highway number and view restrictions. Also
winter driving tips and chain requirements. (Caltrans Winter Operations)
California - Live traffic cams by region, city, route. (Caltrans Roads and Traffic)
California - Mountain pass closures - Includes mountain pass, route, and year. Click on route for
details. (Caltrans Highway Conditions)
California - Real time state traffic map - Includes options for speed , lane closures, incidents,
message signs, cameras, chain controls. Also rest areas. (Caltrans Quick Map)
California - Real time traffic incidents. Results include area, time, type, location. (CHP)
California - Mobile user - Real time traffic incidents - Select current traffic conditions for an
area. Includes highway patrol offices and contacts. (CHP)
California, East Bay - Traffic and live video, congestion, video, traffic counts, signs, advisory
radio, incident, construction, events. (Almeda County Congestion Mgt Agency)
California, I-5 corridor - Traffic, cameras, rest areas, weather, truck stops, permits, restrictions.
California - Planned lane closures - Search by region, statewide, status, time period,
date, closure status. Also emergency closures. (Caltrans)
California, Los Angeles - Los Angeles - Orange - Ventura 511 - Map with alerts and option for
traffic info, cameras, roadside assistance, toll roads, directions. (LASAFE)
California, Riverside/San Bernardino - Southern CA traffic map (IE511) - Speeds, incident,
chains, closures, construction, cameras, signs, conditions, toll road map. (Riverside County
Transp. Commission and San Bernardino Associated Governments)
California, Sacramento - Sacramento Region 511 - Map with video, chain controls (Highway 50
& I-80), signs, speeds, accidents, road work. Mobile user option. (SACOG)
California, San Diego - Real time traffic - Select a highway or view map. Includes cameras, lane
closures, problem areas, border info, incidents. (Caltrans District 11)
California, San Diego - 511 travel - Traffic and driving times including congestion, incidents,
construction, events, cameras. (San Diego Association of Governments)
California, San Francisco Bay area - 511 travel - Traffic and driving times with events
congestion, incidents, construction, cameras. (Metropolitan Transportation Commission)
California, San Francisco Bay area - 511 with traffic conditions, congestion, incidents, cameras.
Option for mobile user. (511 SF Bay)
California, San Francisco Bay area - Mobile user - 511 traffic map (no congestion, moderate,
heavy, stop and go, closed), 511 driving times. (511 SF Bay)
California, San Joaquin Valley - 511 traffic map, news, construction, local traffic info (Fresno),
traffic incidents, free service patrol. (San Joaquin Valley 511)
California, San Luis Obispo - Traffic incident map with current incidents and live traffic
cameras. (San Luis Obispo Council of Governments)
California, Silicon Valley - 511 traffic map with live video and scheduled/unscheduled incidents.
(Silicon Valley Intelligent Transportation Systems Program)
California, Southern - Map, speed, message sign, Sig alert, chain control, construction, closures,
camera, conditions, toll roads, motorist assistance. (Inland Empire 511).
Colorado - Traveler info - Road conditions, weather map, traffic speeds, travel times, traffic
devices, weather. (CDOT Intelligent Transportation Systems)
Colorado - Mobile user - Traveler info - Alerts, closures, conditions, speeds, travel times,
construction, cameras, signs, weather. (CDOT Intelligent Transportation Systems)
Colorado, E470 toll - Eastern perimeter of Denver metro area. Road info, toll calculator, toll
violations, advisories, maps, fees & permits. (The E-470 Public Highway Authority)
Colorado - Closures of mountain passes and rest areas due to winter conditions. (CDOT)
Connecticut - Traffic cameras - Select an area to view cameras available. (ConnDot)
Connecticut - Traffic incidents - Text listing with incident, location, description, estimated
duration. (ConnDOT eTraffic)
Connecticut - Travel info map - Conditions and travel resources including construction, cameras,
incidents, message signs, rest areas. (ConnDOT Interactive Travel Information)
Connecticut, I95 corridor - Travel information - Includes highway information and online traffic
information cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
Delaware - Traffic conditions - cameras, advisory, closures, restrictions, signs, maps, posted
bridge restrictions, evacuation routes, weather. (DelDOT Live Traffic)
Delaware - Mobile user - Advisories, cameras, toll rates, weather. (DelDOT Mobile)
Delaware - Permanent restrictions including restricted route name and description. (click on left
menu for temporary route restrictions). (DelDOT Hauling Permit Office)
Delaware, I95 corridor - Travel information - highway information and online traffic
information cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
DC - Street closures - Includes date, end date, closure, location. (District DOT)
DC - Traffic advisories - Includes date and description. (DistrictDOT)
DC - Traffic cameras - Click on the map or select a location to view real-time, live feed of DC
streets and intersections. (DistrictDOT)
Florida - Traffic incidents by region - Select a county to view text listing of incident type,
dispatch time, county, location, remarks. (Florida Highway Patrol)
Florida - Traffic warnings & updates - Click on map for details. Links for Turnpike, 511,
Florida-Georgia border, Florida-Alabama border, construction. (FDOT Public Info Office)
Florida - 511 - Conditions, alerts, traffic speeds, travel times, cameras, message boards, incidents,
construction, congestion, weather, incidents. (FDOT 511)
Florida, I95 corridor - Travel information - Includes highway information and online traffic
information cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
Florida, Jacksonville - 511 - traffic updates, incidents, construction, cameras, map, weather,
detour, congestion, lane closure. (FDOT)
Florida turnpike - Traveler information - traffic, interchanges & mileage, maps, service plazas,
toll rates, advisory radio, construction, SunPass. (Florida's Turnpike Enterprise)
Georgia - Traffic conditions - map, speeds, precipitation, construction, signs, incidents, cameras,
corridor reports, trip times, hurricane routes, commercial driver, exit numbers, common road
names. (GDOT Navigator 511)
Georgia - Mobile user - Traffic conditions - Select maps, traffic cams, message signs, incidents,
closures, alerts, construction, news. (GDOT Navigator 511)
Georgia - Active construction projects - Including by interstate and state route. (GDOT
Information Center)
Georgia, I95 corridor - Travel information - Includes highway information and online traffic
information cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
Hawaii - Lane closures - Select Oahu, Kauai, Maui, Big Island, Lanai, or Molokai for scheduled
lane closures on state highways. (DOT)
Hawaii - Traffic information - Congestion Map, camera tour of selected area in drop-down menu,
freeway driving times. (Hawaii Transportation Partners)
Hawaii, Honolulu - Honolulu traffic incidents - View all or select an area/city for date, time,
type, address, location, area. (HPD)
Idaho - 511 - winter driving, road reports, cameras, weather stations, mountain passes, truck
restrictions, closures, spring breakup, chain law, truck ramps. (ITD 511)
Idaho - Mobile user - 511 traveler information - Select route reports, cameras, weather stations.
(ITD 511)
Idaho, Boise metro area - Speed map (open, slow, stop&go) with option to select cams, message
boards, incidents, roadwork. (Ada County Highway District Commission)
Idaho I-90/I-94 corridor - North/West Passage Corridor from Wisconsin to Washington - Map,
camera, weather, CVO restrictions, truck stops, rest areas. (NorthWest Passage)
Illinois - Winter road conditions - Map, closures, conditions, area weather. (IDOT Getting
Around Illinois)
Illinois - Road construction - map, construction, emergency road closures, designated truck
routes. (IDOT Getting Around Illinois)
Illinois - Obstructions and restrictions - permanent, temporary, toll road bridges, ton structures,
legal structures. (IDOT Getting Around Illinois)
Illinois - Emergency road closures - Text listing by location. (IDOT)
Illinois, Chicago - Chicago traffic - Map with speeds, congestion, red light cameras, speeds.
(City of Chicago)
Illinois, Chicago Area - Travel Midwest map - Travel times, congestion, construction, incidents,
messages, cameras. (IDOT & Lake Michigan Interstate Gateway Alliance)
Illinois, City of Chicago - Travel Midwest map - Travel times, congestion, construction,
incidents, messages, cameras. (IDOT & Lake Michigan Interstate Gateway Alliance)
Illinois, Lake County - Travel Midwest map - travel times, congestion, construction, incidents,
messages, cameras. (IDOT & Lake Michigan Interstate Gateway Alliance)
Illinois, Metro-East St. Louis - Incidents, road work, lane closures, cameras, signs, weather, rest
areas, weigh stations, travel times, mobile traffic. (IDOT)
Illinois, Quad Cities (Iowa/Illinois Boundary) - Travel Midwest map - travel times, congestion,
construction, incidents, messages, cameras, special events. (IDOT & Lake Michigan Interstate
Gateway Alliance)
Illinois, Rockford - Travel Midwest map - Travel times, congestion, construction, incidents,
messages, cameras. (IDOT & Lake Michigan Interstate Gateway Alliance)
Illinois, tollway - Projects by roadway and traffic information including daily lane closures,
construction alerts, email traffic alerts, travel times. (Illinois Tollway)
Indiana - Road conditions - Conditions phone line and access to TrafficWise web site. Click
Road and weather sensors for weather stations and cameras. (Indiana State Police)
Indiana - Travel information - Map, weather, road conditions, TrafficWise (Northwest Indiana,
Central Indiana). (INDOT)
Indiana - Restrictions/closings - Includes road restrictions & closures (interactive map), road
restrictions search form (search by highway), posted bridge maps. (INDOT)
Indiana, NW - Travel Midwest map - travel times, congestion, construction, incidents, messages,
cameras, special events. (IDOT & Lake Michigan Interstate Gateway Alliance)
Indiana, toll road - Road information, toll rates & trip information, commercial trucks, on and
off ramps, travel plazas, truck only parking, accommodations). (Indiana Toll Road)
I-95 corridor (ME, NH, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL) - Travel
information. (USDOT Research and Innovative Technology Administration)
Iowa - 511- road conditions, traffic speeds, winter driving, road reports, traffic speeds, truck
restrictions, cameras, mobile phone, mobile device laws. (Iowa DOT 511)
Iowa - Mobile user - Iowa 511 travel information - Includes route reports and cameras.
(IowaDOT 511)
Iowa - Winter driving - Map, road reports, traffic speeds, truck restrictions, cameras. (Iowa DOT,
Traveler Information)
Iowa, Quad Cities (Iowa and Illinois boundary) - Travel Midwest map - travel times, congestion,
construction, incidents, messages, cameras, special events. (IDOT & Lake Michigan Interstate
Gateway Alliance)
Kansas - 511 - Map, road work activities, roadway weather conditions, cameras, signs, driving
conditions list, closed roads list, road conditions list. (KSDOT)
Kansas - Mobile user 511 - Links to driving, road, weather, and travel information for Kansas and
surrounding states. (KSDOT)
Kansas, Kansas City - Live Traffic - Map, cameras, detector stations, signs, incidents, closures,
events, speed. Also web alerts or mobile users. (KDOT, MODOT)
Kansas - turnpike - K-Tag, tolls, travel information (weather, map, oversized vehicles,
construction updates). (Kansas Turnpike Authority)
Kansas, Wichita - Map, camera, message signs, incidents, construction & maintenance, freeway
speeds. (KDOT Intelligent Transportation System)
Kentucky - 511 - Option for full feature (reports for a route, road conditions, traffic speeds) and
streamlined version (road reports, restrictions, cameras). (KYTC)
Kentucky, northern - Northern Kentucky and Ohio-Cincinnati - current conditions, speed, travel
time, conditions, construction, incidents, cameras, messages, 511 info. (The Advanced Regional
Traffic Interactive Management & Information System)
Louisiana - 511 - Closures/blockages, restriction, crash, traffic problem, weather, lane closure,
roadwork, traffic speeds, cameras. (LaDOTD 511 Traveler Information)
Louisiana - Mobile user - Louisiana 511 - Includes route reports and cameras. (LaDOTD 511
Traveler Information)
Louisiana - Road closures. (DPS, Louisiana State Police)
Maine - Travel information - Map, traffic cameras, advisories, delays, alert, roadwork, closure,
road conditions, weather, commercial vehicles. (MaineDOT)
Maine, I95 corridor - Travel information - Includes highway information and online traffic
information cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
Maine, turnpike - Traveler services, tolls, traffic cams, E-Z Pass, construction, advisories
closures, construction, highway advisory radio, traffic cams. (Maine Turnpike Authority)
Maryland - Traveler info - Mapping, traffic, roadwork, restrictions, weather, video/camera, info
devices, incidents, closures, weather station images, speed sensor data, highway message signs.
(DOT, Coordinated Highways Action Response Team)
Maryland - 511 - Map, weather, construction, incidents, cameras, message signs, speed, traffic
events, emergency (truck parking). (Maryland Dept of Transportation, 511)
Maryland - Mobile user - Alerts, events, weather stations, speed sensors, route restrictions, snow
emergency plans, conditions, message signs, cameras, emergency truck parking. (Maryland
Department of Transportation, CHART Web)
Maryland, I95 corridor - Travel information - Includes highway information and online traffic
information cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
Maryland, I95 express toll lanes - Project overview, construction projects, traffic advisories.
(Maryland Transportation Authority)
Massachusetts - 511 - Traffic conditions and traffic map. (MassDOT Highway Division)
Massachusetts - Traffic webcams and travel advisories - Select a location to view image.
(MassDOT Traffic Webcams)
Massachusetts, I95 corridor - Travel information - Includes highway information and online
traffic information cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
Massachusetts, western - Traveler information (N. Adams, Pittsfield, Greenfield, Amherst,
Northampton, Springfield) with web cams, travel time, Rt 9 speed, advisories. (UMass
Transportation Center)
Michigan - Map - Construction, closures, cameras, bridges/tunnels, bridge weight class, bridge
clearance, speed, incidents, signs, projects, truckers links. (MDOT Mi Drive)
Michigan - Lane closures - Maintenance, construction, closures, restrictions, traffic, incidents, .
(MDOT Mi Drive)
Michigan - Winter travel advisory - Map, road and locations with winter advisory information.
Information begins Nov-Dec to March 30. (Michigan State Police Operations Center)
Michigan, SW - Travel Midwest map - travel times, congestion, construction, incidents,
messages, cameras, special events. (IDOT & Lake Michigan Interstate Gateway Alliance)
Michigan - Southwestern Lower - Winter travel advisory information - Includes road, from, to,
clear, wet, icy, snow covered, slushy, icy overpass, drifting snow, lanes reduced, blowing snow,
roads closed. (Michigan State Police)
Midwest, Lake Michigan Region - Truckers report for Lake Michigan Regions of IL, IN, MI,
WI. Watch zones, incidents, construction, weather, congestion, incidents, events, signs, projects,
mileposts. (IDOT & Lake Michigan Interstate Gateway Alliance)
Minnesota - 511 - Incidents, roadwork, weather, commercial vehicle permits and restrictions,
road conditions, traffic speeds, cameras, mobile. (Mn/DOT 511)
Minnesota - Mobile user - 511 - Route reports, cameras. (Mn/DOT 511)
Minnesota, I-90/I-94 corridor (North/West Passage Corridor from WI to WA - Map, camera,
weather conditions, CVO restrictions, truck stops, rest areas. (NorthWest Passage)
Missouri - Traveler information map - Incidents, flooding, work zones, winter weather, road
conditions, cameras, message boards, motor carriers. (MoDOT)
Mississippi - MDOT Traffic - Map with cameras, construction, closed roads, incidents, alerts,
message signs, rest areas, welcome centers, hot spots. (MSTraffic)
Mississippi - Mobile user - Traffic cameras, traffic alerts, message signs. (MSTraffic)
Montana - 511 - Select "Traveler Information" and "Alerts/Restrictions/Road Reports." View
travel alerts, road condition, construction, delays/detours, restrictions. (MDT 511)
Montana - Mobile user - Select road conditions map, road cameras, incidents map, construction
map, rest areas, conditions/construction reports. (MDT Mobile)
Montana - Road, cameras, weather - Current conditions and resources. (State Tourism)
Montana - I-90/I-94 corridor (North/West Passage Corridor from WI to WA) - Map, cameras,
weather conditions, CVO restrictions, truck stops, rest areas. (NorthWest Passage)
Nebraska - 511 - Map, road conditions, incident, congestion, closure, restriction, hazard,
construction, cameras, signs, RWIS, highway speeds, mobile, motor carrier. (Nebraska
Department of Roads)
Nebraska - Mobile user - Cameras, weather, events, more. (NDOR Mobile Traveler)
Nebraska - General travel info and links - Includes 511, conditions & construction detour maps,
road trucking related info, tire chains, web cams, mileage chart, speeding fines, more. (NDOR)
Nevada - Current closures and incidents - text listing of date, time, type, location, city/county,
and roadway status. (Nevada Department of Public Safety)
Nevada - Road conditions - Select a route for controls and warnings. Includes road closures,
snow tires and chains required, high wind warning and advisories. (Nevada Commission on
Nevada - Statewide road conditions - Map, incidents, congestion, construction, detour, weather,
events, cameras, message signs, road weather, rest areas, welcome centers, truck parking, speed.
(Nevada 511)
New Hampshire - Traveler Info - construction, cameras, weather, freight. (DOT
New Hampshire - 511 - Closures, road conditions, speed, restrictions, weather, traffic, roadwork.
(DOT 511)
New Hampshire - Winter driving - Conditions, alerts, cameras, tips. (DOT Operations)
New Hampshire, I95 corridor - Travel info - Highway and traffic, cameras. (I95 Corridor
New Jersey - 511 - Map, speed, incident, construction, detour, weather, special events, cameras.
New Jersey, Atlantic City Expressway - Traffic alerts, maps, tolls, interchange information,
Farley Plaza and travel information, E-ZPass, rules & regulations, more. (South Jersey
Transportation Authority)
New Jersey, I95 corridor - Travel info - Highway and traffic, cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
New Jersey, turnpike - Cameras, alerts, map, speed, incident, congestion, construction, detour,
weather, toll rates, E-ZPass, fuel prices, roadside assistance, interchanges, service areas. (NJ
Turnpike Authority)
New Mexico - Road conditions - Map, closures, driving conditions, crash, alert, special events,
cameras, signs, construction, traffic, congestion, speed, weather, rest areas, trucking restrictions.
New York - 511 - Traffic, incidents, construction, events, cameras, signs, major crossings, speeds,
winter road conditions, alerts, weather, rest areas, mobile options, commercial vehicles.
New York - Mobile user - 511 - Traffic conditions includes traffic map, cameras, event list,
bridges & tunnels. Weather includes forecasts and alerts by region. (NYSDOT)
New York, I95 corridor - Travel info - Highway and traffic, cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
New York, NY City - Mobile user - Traffic cameras for Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens,
Staten Island. (NYC Traffic Management Center)
New York - Long Island - Mobile user - Traffic alerts, cams (Queens, Nassau, Suffolk),
roadwork. (NYSDOT)
New York - Thruway - Traveler information - Traffic cameras, incidents, advisories, lane
closures, toll and distance calculators, highway advisory radio, more. (New York State Thruway
North Carolina - Travel information - Traffic, incidents, adverse weather. (NCDOT)
North Carolina, I95 corridor - Travel info - Highway and traffic, cameras. (I95 Corridor
North Carolina, turnpike - Scheduled projects and latest news. (NC Turnpike Authority)
North Dakota - Road conditions - NDDOT Road Report
North Dakota - Travel information - Map, emergencies/incidents, weather cameras, width/height
restrictions, work zones, load restrictions, road conditions, weather radar. (NDDOT)
North Dakota - 511 - Map, road closures/incidents, road conditions, work zones, warnings,
events, width/height, work zones, load restrictions, cameras, wind speeds, weather radar.
(NDDOT, Maintenance)
North Dakota - Mobile user - 511 - Images and text versions of incidents, warnings, events, road
conditions, width/height, work zones, load restrictions. (NDDOT)
North Dakota, I-90/I-94 corridor - North/West Passage Corridor from WI to WA. Map, camera,
weather conditions, CVO restrictions, truck stops, rest areas. (NorthWest Passage)
Ohio - Buckeye Traffic - Closures, restrictions, road & weather sensors, road activity, web
cameras, traffic speed, message signs, highway advisory radios, winter conditions, travel
advisories. (ODOT)
Ohio, Cincinnati - Ohio-Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky - Conditions, speed, estimated travel
time, construction, accidents, cameras, signs. (Advanced Regional Traffic Interactive Mgt &
Info System)
Ohio - turnpike - Traffic alerts, lane closures, weather, fare/mileage calculator, toll rates, E-
ZPass, attractions, truckers, service plazas. (Ohio Turnpike Commission)
Oklahoma - Traffic advisories - Projects causing road and lane closures. See left menu for load
posted bridges, road conditions, turnpike information, weather. (OklaDOT)
Oklahoma, turnpike - Pikepass, maps/tolls (toll fares, toll calculator, traffic & clearance),
construction/projects. (Oklahoma Turnpike Authority)
Oregon - TripCheck road conditions - Road conditions, closures, delays, weather, construction,
truck restrictions, alerts, and cameras, hotels, food, attractions, rest areas, winter travel, chains.
Oregon - Mobile user - TripCheck - alerts, incidents, road conditions, cameras, cam favorites,
Portland speed map, travel services, construction, trucking restrictions. (ODOT)
Oregon, I-5 corridor - Traveler information - Traffic, cameras, rest areas, truck stop, weather.
Pennsylvania - 511 - Traffic map, incidents, weather/alerts, special events, construction, cameras,
speeds, winter road conditions, delays, alerts, cameras, winter road conditions. (DOT 511)
Pennsylvania - State regional map - Cameras, maps, emergency closures, advisories, permits.
Pennsylvania - 511 - Travel delays - incidents, construction, events. (DOT 511)
Pennsylvania - Mobile user - 511- Construction, incidents, events. (DOT 511)
Pennsylvania, I95 corridor - Travel info - Highway and traffic, cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
Pennsylvania, southeast - Philadelphia regional info - Construction, traffic conditions, cameras,
emergency detours) - PHILLYtraffic
Pennsylvania - turnpike - Travel conditions - Map, cameras, signs, incidents, construction,
detours, service plazas, toll booths, weather, roadway conditions, traffic flow, emergency
numbers. (Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission)
Rhode Island - 511 - Map, closures, danger, restriction, crash, weather, roadwork, traffic speeds,
cameras. Option to view listing or regional and local maps. (RIDOT)
Rhode Island - Advisories - Restrictions, closures, bridges - RIDOT Transportation Mgt Center)
Rhode Island - Traveler info - Bridges, construction, detour maps, 511, exits, more. (RIDOT)
Rhode Island - Travel time center - Alerts, travel times, contacts. (RIDOT Transportation
Management Center)
Rhode Island, I95 corridor - Travel info - Highway, traffic, cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
South Carolina - Road conditions - Click on map for text details by route/road. (SCDOT)
South Carolina - Travel advisories - 511, cameras, road conditions, bridges, I-95 Corridor.
South Carolina - 511 - Map, incidents, construction, alerts, active events. (SCDOT)
South Carolina - I95 corridor - Travel info - highway, traffic, cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
South Dakota - Traveler information - Map, roadwork, disturbances, incidents/accidents,
obstructions, scheduled events, disasters, camera images. (SDDOT/Safe Travel USA)
South Dakota, I-90/I-94 corridor - North/West Passage Corridor from WI to WA - Map,
cameras, weather, CVO restrictions, truck stops, rest areas. (NorthWest Passage)
Tennessee - 511 - Select TDOT SmartWay to view mobile, state map, or by city. Option to
display incidents, construction, cameras, signs, conditions, congestion. (TDOT)
Tennessee - Traffic information - Map, incidents, construction, message signs, road condition,
traffic flow. Option to select statewide, regional, or city/county. (TDOT Smartway)
Tennessee - Mobile user - Select statewide or a city to view incidents, construction, weather
advisory, road conditions. (TDOT SmartWay Mobile)
Tennessee - Road and bridge closures. (TN Trucking)
Texas - Road conditions - Closures, construction, permit restrictions map, load zoned roads, load
restricted bridge map, traffic cameras, winter driving safety. (TxDOT)
Texas - Mobile user - Statewide traffic - Select a region for traffic map, travel times, incidents,
lane closures, message signs. (TxDOT)
Texas, Austin - Austin-Travis county traffic report - Traffic related incidents. (City of Austin)
Texas, central Texas tolls - Traveler information - Select tolls, traffic info, construction, traveler
FAQs, more. (Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority)
Texas, Harris county toll road - Toll road information (Katy Managed Lanes, Sam Houston
Tollway, West Park Tollway, Hardy Toll Road). Includes maps, rates, advisories, lane types,
enforcement, roadside assistance, EZ. (Harris County Toll Road Authority)
Texas, Houston - Mobile user - Traffic information - Speed maps, travel times, route builder,
cameras, incidents, road closures, construction closures, message signs. (Houston TranStar)
Texas, northeast - Projects & project map. (Northeast Texas Regional Mobility Authority)
Texas, north Texas tollway - Driving conditions map, toll rates, projects. (North Texas Tollway
Texas, toll road systems - Toll road information, locations. (TxDOT)
Texas, toll roads - toll roads, paying rolls. (TxDOT)
Utah - Road conditions - Traffic map, cameras, signs, incidents, construction, weather, traffic
flow, rest areas, closures, alerts, weather, event alerts. (UDOT Commuterlink)
Utah - Interstates and primary routes with crews working, road surface, weather, restrictions.
(UDOT commuterlink)
Utah - Road conditions - Provides options to access by phone, online, and view a map or text
listing. (UDOT Maintenance)
Vermont - 511 - Map, weather, driving conditions, accidents, closures, construction, restrictions.
road weather cameras. (Vermont Agency of Transportation)
Vermont - I95 corridor - Travel info - Highway and traffic, cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
Virginia - 511 traffic and travel - Alerts, speeds, road conditions, road work, signs, incidents,
open bridges, events, weather closures, cameras, travel times, E-ZPass, rest areas. (VDOT)
Virginia - Travel center - Interstate exits, rest areas, 511Virginia, road alerts, travel advisories,
traffic cameras, lane closures, toll roads, E-ZPass, truck restrictions, maps. (VDOT)
Virginia, I95 corridor - Travel information - Highway, traffic, cameras. (I95 Corridor Coalition)
Washington - State traveler info - Travel alerts, map, accident/alert, construction, weather, road
closure, cameras, mobile traffic site, cross-state travel routes, commercial vehicles. (WSDOT)
Washington - Mobile user - Traffic Info - Travel alerts, Seattle Area, Tacoma / Olympia area,
Vancouver area, Spokane area, Mountain Passes, Canadian border wait times, commercial vehicle
restrictions. (WSDOT Mobile Traffic)
Washington - Road restrictions - Map, restrictions, bridge restrictions, rest areas, truck travel,
mountain passes, construction, travel alerts, weather, I-5 corridor travel. (WSDOT)
Washington, I-5 corridor - Traveler info - Traffic, cameras, rest areas, truck stop, weather.
Washington, I-90/I-94 corridor - North/West Passage Corridor from WI to WA - Map, cameras,
weather conditions, CVO restrictions, truck stops, rest areas. (NorthWest Passage)
West Virginia - Current road conditions - Instant road reports including major road closures,
interstates, Appalachian corridor routes, and primary-secondary routes. (WVDOT)
West Virginia, turnpike - E-ZPass, toll rates, construction, turnpike map, safety (safety services,
safety tips, weather), travel plazas. (West Virginia Parkways Authority)
Wisconsin - Traveler information - Driving conditions, closures, work zones, incident alerts, road
weather information system, flood information, cameras, congestion. (DOT)
Wisconsin - 511 - Map, traffic conditions, winter road conditions, traffic speeds/travel times,
cameras, message signs, incidents, road closures, future road closures. (DOT)
Wisconsin, I-90/I-94 corridor - North/West Passage Corridor from WI to WA - Map, cameras,
weather conditions, CVO restrictions, truck stops, rest areas. (NorthWest Passage)
Wisconsin, Madison - Travel Midwest map - Travel times, congestion, construction, incidents,
messages, cameras, special events. (IDOT & Lake Michigan Interstate Gateway Alliance)
Wisconsin, Milwaukee - Travel Midwest map - Travel times, congestion, construction, incidents,
messages, cameras, special events. (IDOT & Lake Michigan Interstate Gateway Alliance)
Wyoming - Travel information service - Map, conditions, road closures, advisories, camerasc
advisories, construction, width restrictions. (WYDOT)
Wyoming - Closures, advisories, restrictions, cameras, sensors. (WYDOT)
Wyoming, I-90/I-94 corridor - North/West Passage Corridor from WI to WA - Map, cameras,
weather conditions, CVO restrictions, truck stops, rest areas. (NorthWest Passage)
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